In 2021, 11 year old Mikaeel embarked on a significant journey when he participated in his inaugural Pakistan National tournament held in the modest town of Hyderabad. Over the course of three intense days, young players aged 17 and under competed on the city's only two courts. What awaited Mikaeel was an eye-opening experience—Hyderabad, burdened by extreme poverty, offered dilapidated court conditions and fierce competitors who could barely afford basic tennis equipment, let alone the luxury of stringing their rackets. Though Mikaeel's exceptional skills and unwavering spirit led him to victory winning under 15 and under 13 champhionship, it was the hearts of all he won that truly left an indelible mark.

Mikaeel gifted his favorite hat to Junaid, upon the completion of a tournament, a journey that led to PLAYE’s creation.

During the closing ceremony, Mikaeel's kindness shone through as he presented his cherished favorite hat, worn throughout the tournament, to a deserving young boy named Junaid. Even after returning to the United States, Mikaeel found himself continuously drawn to the memories of Junaid and the kids he met in Hyderabad. Moved by a desire to make a difference, Mikaeel approached his mother with an idea—organizing fundraisers at future tournaments to gather tennis rackets, bags, clothing, shoes, and more for Junaid and others like him. Eager to help, we reached out to coaches in Hyderabad and sought information about Junaid's circumstances, leading to the discovery of his underprivileged background.

Junaid, hailing from a disadvantaged family, was being raised by a single mother who earned a living cleaning houses. While attending school in the mornings, he spent his afternoons assisting coaches at a local tennis club, using any available time to learn and train, whether it meant being a ball kid or running errands on the court. Inspired by Junaid's determination, we decided to establish PLAYE—a meaningful organization dedicated to providing assistance to players in similar circumstances globally.

Through our collective efforts, we were able to amass a substantial collection of equipment, including new rackets, bags, clothes, shoes, and even financial aid. This humble contribution from PLAYE aimed to enhance the lives of passionate tennis enthusiasts like Junaid. However, our mission extended beyond a single individual; it became a testament to our commitment to supporting underprivileged players worldwide.

We invite you to join us in our mission to empower children on a global scale. By harnessing the transformative power of sports, together we can ignite change and create a brighter future for aspiring athletes. Let us stand united in our efforts to make a meaningful impact through PLAYE.

Mikaeel was able to successfully collect a suitcase full of equipment to donate to Junaid and other serving kids in Hyderabad. Through PLAYE’s efforts, we will continue to empower more serving athletes worldwide. Please reach out to us how you can help and be a part of PLAYE initivative’s.